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This women-led cooperative in Southern Philippines consistently places in the top 10 of the national arabica coffee cupping competition. This year was no exception with this group claiming 4 spots in the top 6, including #1!

Explore their best specialty arabica: washed process, natural process & honey process.


Light-Medium roast. Three 12 ounce bags. FREE shipping included.


This excellent lot is grown by an association of nearly 200 smallholding farmers, including several of the nation's top farmer leaders, realizing and spreading the benefits of specialty coffee cultivation.  This arabica coffee is catimor varietal.


Light Roast


Region:  Mindanao


Variety:  Catimor


Process:  Washed, Honey, Natural


Elevation:  1400 masl


Social benefits:  Supports women farmers, supports smallholding farmers, supports cooperative development



12 oz. bags.


Catimor is a high-yielding, disease-resistant coffee variety, often cultivated in Africa.


Southern Philippines Trio Set | Light roast arabica | Washed, Natural & Honey

$85.00 Regular Price
$65.00Sale Price
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